hi there! face here!
if you get that mad old nick jr. reference, points for you =D
in any event, this (actually, several Monday's ago now because a) 40 hours a week this summer were spent cleaning other people's shit for money b) i'm lazy) particular Monday was awesome for a number of reasons. My boyfriend Matt hosts this Bible Study-type thing on a weekly basis, where the two of us and several other mad cool cats (oooooh that's foreshadowing! pay attention, now) sit around and discuss the basics of Christian theology and oftentimes terrorize local fast food establishments. It's a good time.
This particular Monday, after getting the royal treatment from our stoner Pizza Hut waitress (Ethan and Kieran saw her outside smoking a bowl on her break. Prolly why she gave us a boxful -a whole boxful, dude!- of complimentary mints and comped our drinks. Hmm...), we decided to have our actual lesson and discussion back at my house. Whilst sitting outside debating God's benevolence, etc., an adorable kitten ran across my yard. As one may expect, this caused all concentration on our deep conversation to proceed very quietly and politely out the window.
Because let's face it, a small grey kitten trying to make off with the decorative patriotic pinwheels in your garden is all kinds of adorable. Probably moreso than I can convey with mere words. This nameless kitten also began to spin the pinwheel with her paws and watch it spin with a mind-blowing rapt cutenosity. We had to ask Matt to stop philosophizing so we could properly coo and giggle at the scene taking place.
Yeah, and I'm the only girl of the bunch. Go figure <3
In any event, the way the Bible turned out is probably best for everyone, because if we cuddled snakes and crushed the heels of kittens, we would live in a very sick world indeed. icanhazliveratfornoms.com just doesn't sound like a successful franchise. Also, God wrote it, and He's, you know, omniscient and stuff. Which means He totally gets how awesome kittens are, and how delicious and awesome it is to get a WHOLE DANG BOX of complimentary mints. But most significantly, it means He is a lot more important than the shenaniganizing of smally furry creatures but COME ON THEY'RE SO CUTE.
They want to learn about Jebus pweez!!!
SO. I love Jesus. And kittens. Respectively. The End.
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